Payment Method
Due to the frequent questions we receive on a daily basis concerning payment methods, we have decided to bring in this page to simplify procedures for our esteemed clients. Consider this page as the heart of this company, so we advise that all customers should carefully go through this page before making a purchase, as this will ease your activity on our platform.
NOTE: Packages are only shipped out upon confirmation of Payment!!!
Payment Methods
Payment guidelines stated on this page are the frequently used payment methods by thousands of our clients to enable discreet and quick delivery. If you don’t see some payment methods here, that doesn’t mean we don’t accept such form of payment. We always recommend you contact us with your queries in case you find anything confusing on this page and website in general.
Note: All payments are automatic, so regarding all our payment methods, you will have to manually send payment.
PayPal is one of the most trusted methods of payment worldwide and mainly accepted by every major business out there. Unfortunately, not every country supports PayPal, so if you are in such a country, kindly choose a different payment method while we wait for Paypal to launch in your country.
How to Pay Through PayPal
After your order and selecting “Pay With PayPal on the checkout page, you will see a message with our PayPal email address, copy the email address and log into your PayPal account then manually send payments as friends and family to the email address and send us a screenshot of the transaction to our service email which is with your email subject being your order number
Bank Transfer
Bank transfer payments are mainly if you can not use any other method of payment because they are not instant and take up to 24 hours for local transfer (within USA), and up to 72 hours (3 days) for international transfers excluding the weekends.
How To Pay Through Bank
Transfer Bank transfers simply mean a wire transfer from your bank to our bank account (Wells Fargo). If you select bank transfer payment on the checkout page then our bank account information will appear on the next page. All you need to do is copy the information, log into your online bank account or go to your bank in person and transfer the funds to the information you have and when done, send us a screenshot of the transaction to our service email which is with your email subject being your order number
For lovers of the cryptocurrency world, we provide you the possibility of paying through the most popular and safest cryptocurrency. However, note that Bitcoins is not first time friendly so if you do not already have a Bitcoin account and/or Bitcoins then this is NOT for you
How To Pay Through Bitcoins
Bitcoins is the safest method of payment online since it is untraceable and not regulated by any banking authorities. However, if you have a Bitcoin account and/or Bitcoins then you already know how to send payments so all you will need will be our Bitcoins wallet address which will appear on the screen after the checkout page if you select Bitcoins Payment on the checkout page. However, if you do not already have an account and you would love to pay with bitcoin to get our 20% discount then follow the steps below.
Note: Bitcoin is not first time friendly so if you’ve not used it before, we strongly recommend you kindly use other simple payment methods like Paypal and CashApp & Bank Transfer.
Visit Us
Meininger Strasse 89.,Sensweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Contact us
+49 15510 398568
Open Hours
Mondays-Fridays: 11am – 7pm
Satudays: 10am – 7pm
Sundays: 10am – 5pm